03 April 2007

How many primary schools to go?

Having been stalled in their efforts to close a secondary school, Conservatives in Hammersmith & Fulham are now planning to shut local primary schools.

The Tories' primary schools strategy was delayed until the end of the spring term to try and avoid a backlash from schools and parents. But it has already caused huge concern among local families, not least at Peterborough school in Fulham which is earmarked for closure and sale of its site.

One of the other proposals is to merge Canberra primary school with Randolph Beresford early years centre - again so that the centre's site could be sold off to subsidise council tax cuts. Governors at Randolph Beresford have already voted against the proposal but the Tories went ahead and published it anyway.

Local residents are beginning to realise that the Conservatives in Hammersmith & Fulham don't care about local services and community facilities. All they are concerned about is cuts.


Stephen Aras said...

The myth is that there is OVER provision of Primary School Places in South Fulham. This is CLEARLY NOT THE CASE. There are 3 or more Private Primary Schools (Thomas', Kensington Prep & Fulham Prep) which are oversubscribed by parents who feel that they have to pay to get a decent standard of education. Should the plan work, that is sell Peterborough School to developers for millions and use this money to improve local schools, presumably to a level whereby local parents who could afford private education would send their children to, then there would be a lack of provision and we'd have the opposite problem - UNDER provision and no place to put these children - or is that NOT the plan - take the money but keep the schools at a level where many parents will choose NOT to send their children!? We are not stupid - we don't want to pay tens of thousands of pounds to educate our children - If the schools were better locally then a good proportion of the currently privately educated children would attend. When did you last hear of any family moving to Fulham for the schools? - When you do you'll know that good standards have been reached - Don't hold your breath!

Stephen (ex-Sullivan School)

MING said...

Stephen, please ensure your views are reflected in "official" council documentation.

Do you need assistance?
